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How health and wellbeing improve with a friend

Motivation, or the lack of it, is one reason why many of us start off with the best exercise intentions and then fail miserably. Most of us know that making the effort to get out of bed a little earlier to exercise, will improve our health and wellbeing, but that’s not always enough. I can often find an excuse. It’s been a big week.  I’m tired. I had a bad night with the kids. I’ve got too much to do today already.


Even after you’ve signed up to join the gym and the membership fees are rapidly draining your bank account it’s tempting to say no.  *According to a survey by Canstar Blue, 46% of gym members don’t go as often as they thought they would. Many of these give the reason of a lack of free time. Well, I hear you!


Why should I walk with a friend?


Of course, a gym membership is not the only way to exercise. Running or walking is a great way to keep fit. Swimming, cycling, kayaking or even doing a workout DVD at home are just a few other options and I’ve tried them all. They kept me motivated for differing lengths of time but they all eventually fizzled out.


It took me a while to realise the best thing to keep me going was having company. Now, that might mean choosing a team sport, after all, who wants to be the person to let the team down? Playing a round of golf is great because you’ve gotta make a commitment to your mates. Joining a Zumba class with a group of girlfriends gets you out of bed in the morning. Having someone to chat to as you walk makes the time fly.


It’s more fun to exercise with a friend. Let’s look at some of the reasons why.


How to be a healthy and happy woman




Once you’ve made an arrangement with a friend to attend a gym class or go for a jog you’re much less likely to cancel. Working out with a friend gives you both accountability. Even on those mornings when you can’t be bothered, knowing your friend will be waiting for you gives you the kick start you need.


Happy and fit


Exercising with a friend not only gives you the endorphin rush that you get from doing exercise. It’s also a time to reconnect, to catch up, share what’s going on in your lives, to laugh and to support each other. Nowadays, we’re so busy that finding quality time to be together can be tough. Well, here’s a great excuse to spend time with your friends with benefits.


Be challenged


When you workout with a friend the competitive edge comes out. You are more likely to push yourself, try new things, and go the extra mile. Working out with a friend means you can help each other too. If you need someone to help you hold that pose, to sit on your feet while you do your sit-ups or to sprint alongside you to the finish they’re there.  


Achieve results


You may have started to exercise to improve your mood, increase your energy levels, raise your fitness levels or to lose weight. Whatever your reason, working out with a friend encourages you to focus on the results you are achieving and work harder to improve them.  Naturally, this works for your friend as well, making this a win-win situation.


Stay safe


If you are exercising early in the morning or later in the evening, going with a friend gives you peace of mind. After all, as my mother would say, there’s safety in numbers. Not only do you feel safer jogging the streets at night, if you get an injury, have a fall or hurt yourself there is someone who cares that will help you.  


Get fit together


With so many great reasons to buddy up for your exercise regime, I’m sure you’ll be making it happen. Enjoy!  



*Cansta Blue Survey Accessed September 22nd 2019: https://www.canstarblue.com.au/stores-services/gyms/

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