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SnakeAbout exhibition: Amazing illustrations & snake facts. (finished)

Learning about snakes is definitely a great way for kids to understand and appreciate their co-existence in our community. We were suprized to learn that many local snakes aren’t venomous. It was also good to familiarise ourselves with the ones that are deadly. The detailed illustrations and information at this exhibition, provided a valuable experience and a deeper appreciation of these amazing reptiles.

Getting to SEEN@Swansea

SEEN@Swansea is a small gallery style exhibition centre situated at the Swansea Centre near the big round about on the Pacific Hwy at Swansea. You’ll find designated parking around the back off Wood Street.  

Once inside, head for the stairs or elevator and go up to the first floor. There is a gold coin entry fee, but that’s all. 

SnakeAbout exhibition

Teresa Purnell is not only a natural history illustrator, her experience stretches from an experienced volunteer snake catcher to an educator. After 13 years with Hunter Wildlife Rescue, Teresa has an enormous understanding about snakes and their misconceptions.

This exhibition is designed to ‘enlighten, not frighten’ those visiting, and for us, this was definitely achieved. Teresa’s illustrations captured the beauty and intricate patterns and colours of our local snakes, scale by scale. 


Before we left we each chose our favourite snake, explained why we loved it and what we’d learned about it. It’s always great to for the kids to be actively involved. Being able to see our local snakes like this has definitely given us a different perspective on their beauty. It’s also allowed us to appreciate the diversity in our local population. 

This exhibition is on until the end of May 2021, so check it out before it ends. SnakeAbout

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