Home » Articles » Awaba Bay Foreshore Walk: An absolutely stunning wildlife sanctuary.

Awaba Bay Foreshore Walk: An absolutely stunning wildlife sanctuary.

So many times during this adventure we stopped, closed our eyes, and listened to the wildlife. The birds stood out from the familiar cry of the black crow to the chattering sounds of our happy lorikeets. We have admired this spot from the water many times, but now it’s taken on a new perspective. The local Landcare group has invested enormously in the rehabilitation of the habitat and development of this stunning foreshore walk. As you weave your way around the tracks and cross over the many bridges, the Awaba Bay Foreshore will give you a sense of pride and responsibility. Discovering places like this sure does make you appreciate where we live.

Getting to Awaba Bay Foreshore Walk

You can start at either end of this walk, however, we started our walk at the northern end of The Ridgeway, Bolton Point. Between High Street and Courageous Close on the opposite side of the road, is the entrance to this walk. There’s a small off-road parking area and the start of the trail is signposted. No dogs, bikes, trail bikes, fires, or camping is allowed. Awaba Bay is one of Lake Macquarie’s State Conservation Areas.

This walk is not wheelchair or pram-friendly. It’s perfect for kids, however, there is a fair bit of walking, stairs and inclines. We took around 1 hour and 15 min to complete it. You’ll find plenty of places to stop and rest, although I don’t think kids will want to stop this adventure once you begin.

About the walk

One of the things we love about discovering new places is the adventure of exploring. Originally we thought this walk was a singular track. However, while walking down along the foreshore we could see another track higher up, so we followed this back. You’ll experience so many different habitats and ecosystems along the way. Head down to the foreshore and explore the low track first. Fossick around the shoreline, and follow it all the way around as it comes back onto land.

You’ll cross loads of bridges, I think our son counted 11. Stop and enjoy the big rocks on the foreshore and don’t forget to bring your camera. Once you come back onto land from the foreshore, you’ll notice the environment starts to change as you enter the Awaba Bay Wetlands.


Awaba Bay Wetlands

Look out for the Green Waterhole Footbridge. Around this area, away from the lake (before you cross the bridge), you’ll see a semi-circle bench and information signs at the edge of the wetlands. It’s the perfect spot to sit and listen to the frolicking frog. There are many different species of frogs here. Each frog species makes its sound but you’ll mostly hear the male frogs calling to attract a mate.

Over 17 species of birds have been recorded in this area, including the White-breasted Sea Eagle. We often see one from the boat perched high on the cliff. Get the kids to look out for one and see if they can spot it carrying any fish.


Hepplewhite’s family shack

If you continue over the bridge you would have come across an historic shack that was leased by the Hepplewhite family. Unfortunately, the 100-year lease wasn’t renewed and the building was knocked down in 2022. We were lucky enough to have a lovely conversation with a family member when we visited. He showed the kids a whiting he’d just caught and shared some history of his childhood and a tale about Jo the fisherman who once lived down by the picnic table.

From here you can continue on up the fire trail to the Bolton Point Nursing Home and the main road, or you can begin your adventure back.

Taking the high trail back

Keep the frog listening area to your left and take the fire trail up the hill. As you approach the top you’ll see a trail off to your right. This is where your adventure back begins. Catch glimpses of the Lake from up high through the canopy, and weave your way along the trail. I absolutely loved the trees and all the variations of colour on the bark. Wattle was in bloom, then we came across a purple mushroom, and yellow fungi amongst the flora.

Follow the trail as it leads down into a fern forest. We found ourselves in disbelief we were still on the same walk with such a different eco-system. This track will take you back to the fork where you headed down to the foreshore at the start.



A family adventure

Whichever walk you explore in Lake Macquarie, always stop and take a moment to appreciate where we live. Respect our special places and protect them for future generations. Pay respect to the Awabakal people and see their midden along the tracks. Lake Macquarie is full of history, let’s make sure our future generations get to enjoy it as well.

If you’d like to check out more walks around Lake Mac, we have loads of family-friendly walks to explore.

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