Category: Money Matters

Sep 24
Financial advice that’s Uncomplicated, Affordable and Personal. Steve May Financial Services

Steve May Financial Services has set itself apart in the financial space. Just about everyone has been at a loss with their finances at some stage in their lives. When they’re first starting out, starting a job, building a family, or maybe buying a home. As life goes on you may have questions about reducing […]

Jul 18
Save vegetable scraps: 10 of our best hacks on how to use them.

When you’re next standing at the kitchen bench chopping up your vegetables, or slicing up your fruit, take note of what you’re discarding. All those tops, tails, peels, stems, and seeds are tossed aside as worthless commodities. We are lucky here in Lake Macquarie because our council has taken steps to reduce food waste. Our […]

Jul 18
Dirt cheap camping near Lake Macquarie!

Taking time to stop and reconnect with nature, doesn’t always sit high on our to-do list. Pack your tent in the boot and head out with your family, for a couple of nights under the stars. Take off your shoes, and place your bare feet on the earth. Breathe slowly, and listen to the birds […]

May 12
How to avoid a Christmas debt hangover!

Giving is something we all love to do, especially when you’re filled with the magic of Christmas. It’s very easy to spend now and pay later when it comes to spoiling our loved ones and celebrating in style. If you’re anything like me, once the sparkle of December fades, a massive debt hangover sets in. […]

Feb 10
Easy ways to substantially cut household expenses!

Remember when you were a kid and couldn’t wait to be an adult? Before you found out that life was one long road consisting of work, bills, and cooking dinner. This week we’ve been thinking about all the household expenses we pay. Mobile phones, insurances, utilities, and even our home loans. I’ll be honest, I’ve […]

May 26
Feel like you’re drowning in debt? Find out what you can do.

Do you get a sinking feeling when you see another bill delivered by the postie? Does it feel like as fast as money comes in, it just as quickly seems to disappear? That whatever you do you can’t seem to catch up. You’re not alone. More than 50% of Australians are stressed about their finances […]

May 05
Do I need a Will? You need to read this.

It’s estimated that 45% of Australians haven’t written a will. That means that almost one out of every two of you reading this haven’t expressed your wishes for what will happen to your estate after you die. We spend our lives working hard to support, provide for, and care for our families while we’re alive. […]