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Lake Mac Playgroups

Discover our Lake Macquarie playgroups 

Joining a playgroup can benefit the carer, not just the child. Giving you a network of mums, dads, and carers who understand the stage you’re going through and who can give support, advice, and a shoulder to lean on. Your child will find new friends, toys, and activities and enjoy spending time with you. What’s not to like? Find out more about all our Lake Macquarie playgroups.


Belmont Christian College Community Playgroup

Day: Thursday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30am.

Location: Belmont Christian College, 65 John Fisher Rd Belmont. 

Details: Bring a hat, morning tea, and a drink bottle for your child. A $2 donation is appreciated. You need to register your interest to attend via the website community hub.

Contact: Mishell Kennerson Smith on Messenger or 0413 956 566.

Facebook Group: Belmont Christian College Community Group


Belmont – Bugalugs Playgroup

Day:  Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 9.45 am – 11.45 am.

Location: Belmont Neighbourhood Centre, Belmont NSW.

Details: Please bring morning tea and a hat. It’s a good idea to dress for messy play. Cost $3 per family. 

Contact: belmontbugalugsplaygroup@gmail.com

Facebook: Bugalugs Playgroup


Belmont – St Luke’s Uniting Church Playgroup

Day: Friday during the school term.

Time: 10am – 12pm.

Location: Community Centre, 6 Narla Road, Belmont, 2280.

Details: $3 per child, all welcome.

Contact: belmontuca@gmail.com

Website: St Luke’s Uniting Church Playgroup


Belmont North – Mainly Music Playgroup

Day: Monday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 10:45 am (9:30 am morning tea provided; 10:00 am music).

Location: Eastlakes Salvation Army, 360 Pacific Highway, Belmont North.

Details: A fun music group for parents or primary caregivers to enjoy together with their young children from 0-5 years old. $5.00 per family.

Contact: Lauryn Hughes, our co-ordinator on 0431 444 970.

Website: Mainly Music


Brightwaters – Morisset Baptist Church PlayTime

Day: Thursday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 12 pm.

Location: Brightwaters Christian College 82 Bulgonia Rd, Brightwaters.

Details: An engaging activity time for children and their parents aged 0-5 years old. We provide a safe and happy environment for children to play and for parents to meet. BYO morning tea.

Contact: Katrina Mason 0402 104 761. 

Website: What’s On – Morisset Baptist Church


Cameron Park – Mini Munchkins Playgroup

Day: Monday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 12 pm.

Location: Cameron Park Community Centre. 107 Northlakes Dr, Cameron Park NSW 2285.

Details: Morning tea is provided to parents and children are encouraged to pack a healthy lunchbox and water bottle for morning tea.

Contact: For further details, please contact Playgroup NSW and they will provide you with the co-ordinators phone number.

Website: Playgroup NSW 


Cardiff My Time Playgroup

Day: Fridays 

Time: 10 am – 12 pm

Location: Macquarie Life Church, Corner of Macquarie and Wentworths Road, Cardiff, 2285.

Details: This playgroup is for anyone caring for a child aged 0 to 18 with a chronic medical condition or a disability. 

Contact: Mosca Spiros, 1800 171 882

Website: https://www.mytime.net.au/


Charlestown Little Lights Playgroup

Day: Friday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 11:30 am.

Location: C3 Church Victory, Level 1, 5 Hopetoun Street, Charlestown, 2290.

Details: A vibrant playgroup to receive encouragement, and support, and enjoy some fun activities, including outside play, music, and crafts! Bring some morning tea for your little ones and enjoy tea or coffee with us. Gold coin donation.

Contact: littlelights@c3victory.org.au or phone: 49 22 68 00.

Facebook: Little Lights Playgroup


Charlestown Sparklers Playgroup

Day: Thursday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Charlestown Presbyterian Church, 16 Smart St, Charlestown.

Details: Sparklers Playgroup offers a haven for frazzled nerves and an encouraging and accepting atmosphere for all who come. Morning tea for mums is organised on a shared roster. Bring morning tea for your child. The cost is $3 per child or $4 per family.

Contact: Suzie on ph: 02 4946 9942.

Website: Sparklers Playgroup


Fassifern – Play School

Day: Wednesday & Friday during the school term.

Time: 9 am – 11 am.

Location: Charlton Christian College, 43 Fassifern Rd Fassifern. 

Details: Cost per child each term is: One session (a week) is $50. Two sessions (a week) is $75. All WELCOME to attend!

Contact: Office: 02 4959 9111

Website: Charlton Play School


Fennel Bay – Narunbah Supported Playgroup

Day: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday during the school term.

Times: Monday & Wednesday (o-5yrs) 9:30 am – 11:30 am. Tuesday (0 -12 months) 9:30 am – 11 am. Friday (for young parents) 10 am – 12 pm.

Location: Fennel Bay Public School, 6 Bay Road, Fennel Bay.

Details: Come along and join the fun. Must book before attending as spaces are limited. Bring fruit & water for morning tea.

Contact: Jen 0439 410 026.

Facebook: Narunbah Supported Playgroup


Garden Suburb – Jumping Jellybeans Playgroup 

Day: Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 9 am – 11:30 am

Location: Garden Suburb Community Hall, 2A Prospect Road, Garden Suburb, 2289.

Details: Garden Suburb Jumping Jellybeans welcomes all parents and carers with children up to 6 years. The hall has a large play area indoors with a kitchen and a small grassed area used for outdoor play. Please send us an email before attending.

Contact: jumpingjellybeansplaygroup@gmail.com or phone: 0427 356 193

Website: Playgroups NSW


Glendale – Gecko Playgroup

Day: Wednesday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Grace Evangelical Church Hall on Lake Rd, Glendale.

Details: Come along for a fun morning of free play, crafts, and stories. Morning tea is provided for the kids and a cuppa for the parents/carers. The cost is $3 a week per family.

Contact: Alice 0410776205.

Facebook: Gecko Playgroup


Highfields – Newcastle Japanese Playgroup 

Day: Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 10:30 am – 1:30 pm.

Location: Hunter Christian Church, 20A Hillcrest Parade, Highfields, 2289.

Details:  This is a Japanese-speaking playgroup. You must speak Japanese to join. Please get in touch with them before attending. 

Contact: Send enquiry

Website: Playgroups NSW


Kahibah – Kids Playgroup

Day: Monday during the school term.

Time: 9:15 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Glenrock Anglican, Kahibah, 36 Hexham St, Kahibah NSW 2290.

Details: Kahibah Kids Play Group is a vibrant gathering for parents, carers, and children aged 0-5. The cost for attendance is $5 per family with registration on arrival.

Contact: enquire here

Website: Kahibah Kids Playgroup


Kotara South – St James Playgroup

Day: Wednesday during the school term.

Time: 9 am – 11 am.

LocationSt James Primary School Hall, 30 Vista Parade, Kotara South, 2289.

Details: St James Playgroup welcomes all parents and carers with children up to 6 years (whether you are continuing to St James Primary School or not). Please email first before attending.

Contact: StJamesPlaygroupKotaraSouth@hotmail.com

Website: Playgroups NSW

Lakelands – Puddleducks Community Playgroup

Day: Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Lakelands Community Hall, 135 Ambleside Circuit, Lakelands, 2282.

Details: Bring morning tea for your little one. Tea/coffee & biscuits provided for the adults. Toys and crafts are set up each week for the little ones (0-5yrs).

Contact: puddleduckslakelands@gmail.com, phone: 0426838613

Facebook: Lakelands Puddleducks Playgroup


Swansea -Community Cottage Playgroup

Day: Friday during the school term.

Time: 10 am – 12 pm.

Location: The Swansea Centre, 228 Pacific Highway, Swansea, 2281.

Details: The cost is $2 per session. Please bring along a good food item to share for morning tea. Kids can enjoy our fantastic play equipment, chalkboard wall, and newly refreshed sandpit area! 

Contact: admin@swanseacc.com.au

Website: The Cottage Supported Playgroup


Valentine – Playgroup

Day: Wednesday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Valentine Progress Hall, 20 Allambee Place, Valentine, 2280.

Details: Children from 0-6 are welcome to come. We aim to offer a fun, friendly, and safe environment for children to build positive friendships, play, craft, and other activities. We welcome new members.

Contact: valentineplaygrouplakemaq@gmail.com

Website: Playgroups NSW


Wallsend – St Luke’s Playgroup

Day: Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am.

Location: St Luke’s Anglican Church, 22 Metcalfe Street, Wallsend.

Details: For children 0-5 years of age. Please make a gold coin donation and optional morning tea is provided.

Contact: (02) 4955 9544

Facebook: St Luke’s Wallsend


Wallsend Kidzplay

Day: Wednesday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Details: 182 Lake Road, Wallsend. Wallsend Seventh Day Adventist church.

Details: KidzPlay is a playgroup for children from babies to school age. Come and join us for play, crafts, stories, and songs. Cost—$2 for children over one to help cover the cost of craft and morning tea for the adults.

Contact: 0408 343 040

Facebook: Kidzplay Wallsend

Windale Milabah Schools as Communities

Day: Tuesday during the school term.

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am.

Location: Windale Public School – Kilfera Street, Windale 2306.

Details: Jarjums playgroup is for kids 0-5 years old. A gold coin donation is required to cover craft supplies and morning tea.

Contact: (02) 4948 8864

Facebook: Windale Public School


*Make sure you contact the playgroup before you visit. All details are correct at the time of writing but are subject to change.

Send us a message if you have a playgroup that you would like included or if you attend one of the above playgroups and would like to advise us of any changes. Click here to the CONTACT US page and send us a message.