The Creative Kids & Active Kids vouchers are now one voucher. The government has changed the eligibility criteria, so they are no longer available to everyone. The vouchers help families with eligible school-aged children pay for sports, recreational, creative or cultural activities. The First Lap Learn to Swim voucher has expired, but the Government is developing a new $6 million program, spread across two years, targeting communities at the highest risk of drowning. Stay turned for more details.
Active & Creative Kids Voucher
At a value of $50 per eligible child, the new voucher 2025 has limited availability to the general parenting community. You can apply for 2 vouchers, in terms 1 & 3 and only use them with registered providers.
You must be receiving:
Your child is:
- A NSW resident
- Aged between 4 1/2 years & 18 years old
- Enrolled in a NSW school
Apply for an Active & Creative Kids Voucher