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6 fun sticks and twigs craft for kids

We’re out walking a lot these days, picking up sticks and twigs along the way. I love that my kids find all these natural treasures while we’re out. Our kids often come up with different ways to use all the things we find. So we decided to gather a collection of sticks and twigs and see what we could make. A little imagination and research and the kids started to create. Hopefully these 6 fun sticks and twigs craft for kids will also inspire your children to get creative with nature.

Story on a stick

While your out walking keep an eye out for long sticks and start thinking about a story. My son came up with a visual story idea of two characters stealing a giant spider’s egg. Doesn’t look like it’s going too well for them!  My daughter was all about creating something unique for her room and dug through our craft box for some feathers. All you need is a hot glue gun, a big stick, and some old toys or craft items. 


Framed in twigs

We purchased these picture boards from The Reject Shop for $6 each. We found an image online and printed it in black and white then added a splash of colour. Each image fits within their bedroom theme. While you’re out walking, pick up smaller straight twigs. Grab the hot glue gun and stick on the image then get to work gluing the twigs into place.


Funny stick people

We had the best time creating these funny stick people. You’ll need to collect some straight sticks in various sizes. We also found some eyes in the craft box, some old material and the wool made great hair. Grab your hot glue gun and get creating. If you find some small gumnuts on your walk you can also use these for eyes, and a nose. Anything is possible with a little imagination.


Nature weaving

Nature weaving is lots of fun and you can use up any wool or twine you have at home. While you’re out walking, keep an eye out for sticks that are relatively straight and similar in size. Tie them together at the ends with wool. Then get to work weaving the wool across the structure. Take a walk around your garden and see what you can find to weave through. Nature weaving will reflect a childs own personal taste in flowers, scents and teaxtures.


Backyard stick teepee

While your cutting back your garden, and trimming the bushes, keep an eye out for big branches because they make the best teepee! Once you have enough, tie them together at the top and wrap a sarong, old sheet or thin blanket around it. You can use pegs to clip it together. Best outdoor cubby ever! Hours of fun in the backyard.


Creative campfire

Right next to your teepee you can also build a campfire out of branches with leaves. You’ll need some yellow and red paint and while you’re out walking look for branches which have leaves still attached. Big trees in the park will have a good selection on the ground below. Place them all together as you would a campfire and add your painted leaves around the outside as the fire. Get out the marshmallows and sing a few campfire songs.  


Sometimes it’s the simple things that kids have the most fun with. Exercise and outdoor play is a great way to enjoy balance and family time. If you’re looking for more ideas for the kids, check out our kids section: Fun ideas for kids in Lake Mac

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